For those who do not know about the website Quizlet, it is a fast and easy way to make flash cards on whatever concept you are teaching. I originally found out about this site by perusing the other academic teacher's web sites in my school and immediately realized that it would make for a good music resource as well. Quite a few of them had their own ready-made-for-their-classroom flash cards for students to study. I decided to give it a shot and was amazed at how quick and easy it was to enter the info.
The free version of Quizlet only lets you do text, but the fee for image entry was so small, that I just paid it right away, and now I'm set for a year. As long as they keep their prices as low as they are, I figure the $10 it takes per year to include images is worth it.
Here are 3 examples I threw together to show you some of the features: Snare Rudiments, Musical Terms & Key Signatures.
What made this site so attractive to me was the speed at which all the info can be entered, and the options that the site makes available immediately after you enter the information. I literally entered all the 40 PAS rudiments into the link you see above in about 15 minutes. Once you click on one of the above links, find the area under the flash cards that looks like this:
The "play games" currently only has 2 options available, but they are fun...or at least more interesting than just using the standard flash card type interface (the "study" options are available for those who do want the standard flash card interface) More options really don't seem completely necessary anyway.
Oh how great this little site would have been when I was studying for my Masters degree....
I'd love to hear how you would (or are) using this site! Write your feedback in the comment section below.