Monday, February 21, 2011

Seating Charts using Word & Excel

Whenever I need a quick means in which to create a seating chart, I use either Microsoft Excel or Word.  Excel is efficient in that it takes less time to put an initial chart together, but it's more of a pain to move instruments around after it's completed.  Here is an example of a setup for my 7th grade using Excel:

(click on image to enlarge)

It takes longer to put together, but I've found Word better suited for a chart when I need to change it, and add or subtract instruments as the year goes on due to adds and drops, or just because I want to experiment with different setups.  I like Word better in this case because I can move around these objects to where I want them to go.  This is not as easy to do with Excel.  Here is an example of an end result in Word:

(click on image to enlarge)

You may have noticed that I don't use the charts to show music stand placement.  This is because I simply place the stands one next to the other a few inches apart, and it works out well.  I never bother with numbers, I just line them up next to each other.

What do you use for seating charts?  Is there a better program out there?  I'd love to hear your feedback....

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